Grand Rapids
Civil War
Round Table
2024-2025 Schedule
Wed., September 18:
Roger Rosentreter
Duty, Honor & Country:
West Point During
The Civil War
Wed., October 16:
Jim Pula
Union General Daniel Butterfield
Wed., November 20:
Ron Kirkwood
His Book:
Tell Mother Not To Worry
Wed., January 15:
Dr. Michael Stevens
Poetry in the Civil War
Wed., February 19:
Charles Rebesco
20th Indiana & Ward's Brigade in the Fight for the Rose Woods at Gettysburg
Wed., March 19:
Dave Wege
When Johnnie Comes Marching Home
Wed., April 16:
Ben Bever
Civil War Officer's Who Served
at Michigan Posts
Wed., May 21:
Steve Soper
The Third Michigan Infantry
Wed., June 18:
Father Bob Miller
Religion in the Civil War
We are always looking for speakers. If you would like to give a presentation to the GRCWRT, or can recommend someone, please contact our Program Director.