Union forces thwarted a Confederate invasion of New Mexico Territory at Glorieta Pass on March 28, 1862. This strategic location, situated at the southern tip of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and the Santa Fe Trail, could have been the gateway for Confederate occupation of the Southwest. But the Yankees forced the Rebels to retreat to Santa Fe -- the first stop on the long road back to San Antonio, Texas.
Confederate General Robert E. Lee made Fort Stedman his last attack of the war in a desperate attempt to break out of Petersburg, Virginia on March 25, 1865. The attack went well at first; Lee's army easily captured the fort and about a thousand yards of trenches. But as Union reinforcements arrived, the Rebels were unable to hold the captured ground and were driven back to their original position. By 07:45, the battle was over.
"I have served my country under the flag of the Union for more than fifty years, and as long as God permits me to live, I will defend that flag with my sword; even if my own native State assails it."
~ Union General and Virginian Winfield Scott
In 1864, Congress authorized the first use of the phrase "In God We Trust" on U.S. currency. It was printed on a two-cent bronze coin.