"I am in active correspondence with your staunchest friends in every state, and from all I hear but one report. The tide is setting strongly against us."
~ Henry J. Raymond
New York Times Editor and Republican Party Chairman
in a letter to President Lincoln on August 23, 1864 about
Lincoln's chances of being reelected.
"While the General [Rosecrans] is wielding the sword of the flesh, I trust that I am using the sword of the Spirit. He is fighting rebels, and I am fighting the spirits of darkness. There is the difference: he is fighting with Price, while I am fighting without price."
~ Sylvester Rosecrans, Roman Catholic Bishop
comparing his battles with those of his military brother
"I always shot at privates. It was they that did the shooting and killing, and if I could kill or wound a private, why, my chances were so much better. I always looked upon officers as harmless personages."
~ Confederate Private Sam R. Watkins
1st Tennessee Regiment